FYI: this entry has nothing to do with monkeys.
I have been dragging ass like a sad baboon though so if that satisfies the monkey quota then so be it. I am just so so so tired today! I can't really think straight. The problem with this wonderful 4x10 schedule is that I can't get into the rhythm of sleeping correctly. Tuesday-Thursdays I go to bed around 10. I fall asleep nearly at 11. The idea is to be asleep within minutes of going to bed so I can get some sleep! I'm getting smarter about having something quick and easy that I can throw together in a lunch bag to run out the door. I'm getting out of bed around 5:45 every working morning. I don't know how people with kids do it! Sweet Jesus I need my sleep! I'm at work by 7 and then for the next hour I contend with the desire to crawl under my desk for a nap or simply propping myself up against my keyboard while no work gets done. Work always wins. I curse at it while I'm slowly getting it done. When I get in the lights are always off and I have to go out of my way to turn them on so they stay off until approximately 8:58 when one of the lovely ladies in the office comes out to unlock the doors. They always flick them on for me.
By the time Friday rolls around I'm getting used to it. Going to bed on time and getting up with the crack of dawn and the shriek of my alarm. It gets easier to feel human at 7, I make it through the day ever so grateful that I have 3 days off!! So inevitably Friday night I stay up later than usual, 12, 1, 2 am usually. Not doing anything fun like the college kids my age. No I'm a sad old lady who gets her kicks watching Parking Wars til the wee hours of the night. Sleep in Saturday stay up late then sleep in Sunday, repeat on Monday except throwing in a few naps too. Oh it's heavenly. Until it's 11pm on Monday night and I'm still awake, not ready for bed but as I set my alarm it reminds me I have 6 hrs and 45 minutes of sleep before the damn thing goes off.
Sure it's gonna be super duper awesome when I have somewhere to go and I could use the extra day without spending my precious vacation hours! But until that day actually comes the routine is simply taxing! It doesn't help that I've been pretty much on my own the last two weeks. I just move in hyper slow speed when G isn't around. Not that she pokes me with a stick to make more work come out, there is just more energy around. For the last week I have been staring at a pile of work that needs to be filed away. "That will be tomorrow's project" I tell myself that lie every morning. Granted I have a hefty project I've been moving through. It's been like wadding through a waist deep pool of molasses. Click click click click, copy, paste, copy, paste... Click click click... All work and no chocolate makes Zuzu a sad girl!
In other news... today I read in the news (hehe!) some interesting things. The folks over at the Pentagon want to remove the D as in Disorder from PTSD. They claim it is in order to reduce the stigma associated with it. They're saying that posttraumatic stress is a normal reaction and therefore shouldn't be labeled a disorder. Interesting... I can see this going one of two ways. 1. Folks are going to feel more at ease about seeking help when it becomes too much or 2. Insurance companies are going to deny benefits based on the idea that this is a "normal" reaction to the situations they faced. Believe me, I've had enough run ins with Metlife and disability insurance companies like them to know. Just saying.
I have been dragging ass like a sad baboon though so if that satisfies the monkey quota then so be it. I am just so so so tired today! I can't really think straight. The problem with this wonderful 4x10 schedule is that I can't get into the rhythm of sleeping correctly. Tuesday-Thursdays I go to bed around 10. I fall asleep nearly at 11. The idea is to be asleep within minutes of going to bed so I can get some sleep! I'm getting smarter about having something quick and easy that I can throw together in a lunch bag to run out the door. I'm getting out of bed around 5:45 every working morning. I don't know how people with kids do it! Sweet Jesus I need my sleep! I'm at work by 7 and then for the next hour I contend with the desire to crawl under my desk for a nap or simply propping myself up against my keyboard while no work gets done. Work always wins. I curse at it while I'm slowly getting it done. When I get in the lights are always off and I have to go out of my way to turn them on so they stay off until approximately 8:58 when one of the lovely ladies in the office comes out to unlock the doors. They always flick them on for me.
By the time Friday rolls around I'm getting used to it. Going to bed on time and getting up with the crack of dawn and the shriek of my alarm. It gets easier to feel human at 7, I make it through the day ever so grateful that I have 3 days off!! So inevitably Friday night I stay up later than usual, 12, 1, 2 am usually. Not doing anything fun like the college kids my age. No I'm a sad old lady who gets her kicks watching Parking Wars til the wee hours of the night. Sleep in Saturday stay up late then sleep in Sunday, repeat on Monday except throwing in a few naps too. Oh it's heavenly. Until it's 11pm on Monday night and I'm still awake, not ready for bed but as I set my alarm it reminds me I have 6 hrs and 45 minutes of sleep before the damn thing goes off.
Sure it's gonna be super duper awesome when I have somewhere to go and I could use the extra day without spending my precious vacation hours! But until that day actually comes the routine is simply taxing! It doesn't help that I've been pretty much on my own the last two weeks. I just move in hyper slow speed when G isn't around. Not that she pokes me with a stick to make more work come out, there is just more energy around. For the last week I have been staring at a pile of work that needs to be filed away. "That will be tomorrow's project" I tell myself that lie every morning. Granted I have a hefty project I've been moving through. It's been like wadding through a waist deep pool of molasses. Click click click click, copy, paste, copy, paste... Click click click... All work and no chocolate makes Zuzu a sad girl!
In other news... today I read in the news (hehe!) some interesting things. The folks over at the Pentagon want to remove the D as in Disorder from PTSD. They claim it is in order to reduce the stigma associated with it. They're saying that posttraumatic stress is a normal reaction and therefore shouldn't be labeled a disorder. Interesting... I can see this going one of two ways. 1. Folks are going to feel more at ease about seeking help when it becomes too much or 2. Insurance companies are going to deny benefits based on the idea that this is a "normal" reaction to the situations they faced. Believe me, I've had enough run ins with Metlife and disability insurance companies like them to know. Just saying.
Another story I read was about the shortage of workers that is becoming a big problem for farmers. What's that you ask? I guess instead of the monkeys I should be asking where all the Mexican's have gone! Well in Georgia anyway. The new incredibly strict guidelines for employers that are rolling out nationwide are bringing big problems to those who continue to hire illegals. It's also giving more power to law enforcement to harass potential illegal criminals. So the result of all of this is that the field workers are fleeing the area. This is leaving the farmers with the huge dilemma of how to pick all that fruit/veggies without labor. They have tried raising wages 20% in an effort to lure legal workers and even *gasp* Americans to come work the fields. Of course like any self respecting American knows, we don’t actually want to do those jobs! All those racist pricks screaming that the illegals are taking our jobs while they can’t find a decent paying job to support their families with are not rushing to apply at any of these fields! The article I was reading pointed out that many Americans will in fact take lower paying jobs when a field worker position is available and pays better wages. Funny how that works huh? Anyway it was a really good article and you should read it here.
Last but certainly not least! The folks in France have taken a serious stand against Facebook and Twitter. Tv and radio are no longer allowed to use such profane words unless(!) they are reporting on something directly related to either. The reason has something about subliminal adversiting. When you're watching the news or listening to the radio and someone says something like "follow us on twitter!", do you instantly reach for your phone and check your twitter? I don't know cause I don't twitter so you tell me! I suppose they could be onto something though {buy Zuzu chocolate} I mean after all I do watch commercials for Olive Garden and think mmmm pasta... Somedays I just hear the jingle of a restaurant that I've heard maybe a million times and when Mike asks what's for dinner that's the only thing I want. {chocolate makes Zuzu a happy girl, make Zuzu a happy girl buy chocolate!} Or how about home improvement? I rarely and I mean RARELY need anything from a home improvement store but man I know that I'd better, better, better head to Jerry's!!
Hmmm. Why do I have this almost (notice I said almost) uncontrollable urge to send Zuzu some chocolate. She must need to be happy, Must get her some chocolate. Where do these crazy thoughts come from?
Oops, sorry. I'm not really anonymous. I'm Susan S. Love you!