Here's a good one; did you hear about the Jones' who have lost nearly 40lbs combined? Ha bet you didn't ever think you'd hear that! Mike has lost a total of 22lbs and I am currently 16.2lbs lighter! I had to put in that .2 just for myself so suck it. Today is also the first day of our 4th week!! I didn't think I would ever be typing that. Hell I wasn't sure I'd make it past the 15 day mark. You know the one where we agreed to assess our progress and decide if we wanted to continue or not? Yeah I really wanted to say how's about we have a nice steak dinner, maybe even make it a salad with a nice piece of grilled steak on top then go back to what we were doing? Of course that isn't even an option at this point even if we had chosen to stop. We have to ease back into real food to avoid stomach trouble. We decided to try really hard and buckle down and stop with the occasional salad eating. We might get better results if we stopped that, so maybe next time I want raw veggies again I'll just toss them down the chute of the juicer instead of placing them on a dish.
Overall I'm feeling good, my back has been acting up but with the help of my handy chiropractor I know all will be well again. I think we're just sort of cruising along on this strange journey of ours. This weekend will be a serious test. We're traveling up to Seattle, will be there approximately 4 days. The juicer will definitely be making the journey with us. I'm excited to hit the Pikes Place Market first thing in the morning. I may have to make a special super early trip down and try to avoid as many of the tourists as possible. There is also a juice shop there and makes fresh juices so maybe I will have breakfast while I shop. Oh the possibilities!! Oh the temptation... It's all give and take in this world that's for sure. I am sticking to my resolve. I hope that if I am able to keep the pace of weight loss I could be under the 200 mark by the end of this leg of the journey. I am not delusional enough to imagine that this will all stay off. I'm expecting at least 5lbs to come back simply because at this point we are taking in roughly 1200 calories a day, maybe more on the days that we swap soup for juice. Still I have come to realize that this is a new lifestyle for me not a diet. My goal when we sit down the night of day 60 is to look in my fridge and still see it stocked with vegetables and fruits. Wake up the morning of day 61 and pack juice for breakfasts and lunch and make something out of veggies for dinner. I really think I have become accustomed to the idea of eating a primarily vegetarian diet. How bizarre is that? Coming from a person who once told her husband that soup is not a meal simply a course preceding dinner, who also pouted when presented with the idea of navy bean soup because there wouldn't be a slab of steak to eat after it. Meat was just part of what made me (fat) it was ingrained in me that dinner meant some sort of meat except when I was a small child who would protest soup by dumping the entire bowl over my head and placing the bowl on top as a show of protest. Instead today I find myself perusing vegan websites and looking at things that I could make with the veggies in my fridge! It is interesting what life can do to you isn't it.
Mike presented me with a cockamamie idea last week to participate in an insane bike ride. We're talking 200+ miles in 2 days. What? Are you out of your fricken gore? People don't go from being obese, walking time bombs to biking 200 miles over night! Ok maybe we're not doing it over night but still. I am sure I will be like Thomas the train going "I think I can, I think I can, Oh fuck this!!". I told him the only way I will do it is if one of our friends agrees to drive the route with a vehicle equipped with a bike rack. Because I am not sure I would survive all 100 miles on day one, or two for that matter. Either way I need to know there will be a fail proof plan in place that will allow me to crash and die in the comfort of a vehicle moving faster than my 5 miles an hour, which by the way is 1/2 of the speed that I will actually need to achieve for a good solid 10 hours. So what do you think, has mike lost his goddamn mind? Cause I kinda think he has.
I love you Zu & I'll be down to help when you guys get here! Also, if STP is in July 2012, I think it's possible. I mean, you didn't think this was, right?