

Today I manned up and dragged my squishy ass to the gym. The last few days I have been taking less and less of my insulin down to about 75% of my hourly base rate. I think I'm gonna try 70 before bedtime and maybe a little less during the day as well. I haven't been taking any correction insulin for my "meals" and I still am hanging low. In turn I've been drinking really sugary juices which isn't a good idea. So today for the first time since I started juicing again my blood sugar was on the higher end of the scale. It was 159 and I was like oh snap! I took 1.5 units of correction insulin and we went off to the gym. An hour later we were leaving the gym and I was nagging Mike to drink some juice cause his blood sugar was like 73 or something. So I decided to check my own expecting to see like 90-100. That shit was 67! Oops! Good thing I made some sugary stuff expecting that might would be on the edge of death.
So all is better now, yay! Day 13 wrapping up here soon. I think Mike is right and we need to get more activity in. We can't really bike ride in this weather and he really was hesitant of going to the gym "cause it's not the same". Well my dear, it's either the gym or the couch cause the biking thing isn't gonna happen right now! So it was nice to be on the elliptical today getting my sweat on.
All that aside, I have been in a piss poor mood lately. Not eating anything is really getting to me. The last time around we were eating salads and soup and we did pretty good. Mike thinks we were successful because of the biking and he's probably right. We're being pretty strong, though Mike has some challenging days coming ahead. He's gotta go to Seattle tomorrow for court first thing Wednesday. Poor bastard with his luck they'll cancel court. I'm gonna bite my tongue though cause it just makes it no easier for me! So tomorrow he's gonna juice a good bit and take it with him. In a pinch there's always Naked Juice and V8 but it just isn't the same. The real challenge will come when he goes to Cincinnati. We were talking about doing the juice only for 60 days and juice and veggies for the following 60. I don't know though and he will probably agree that if we can make it to 60 we should just keep going it will be easier to backslide if we start adding anything back. So we will see. One juice at a time.

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