We rounded out day 20 with a trip down to the bed bath and beyond. That place is seriously dangerous. There is so much crap that you don't need but always see and think oOooO shinny! For me it was the plastic lawn, aka a counter top drying station for bottles. You can probably figure out why but in case you can't, for my bottles! They're usually sitting upside down on a dish towel trying to dry themselves out somewhat unsuccessfully. So anyway I left the fake lawn there but I really considered it... There was some thing that looks like a nail gun to tenderize meat that we saw years ago and now we were like oooo maybe when we're done with the fast... Old habits die hard. But the tools and gadgets and odds and ends!! They're everywhere and I want one of everything! We did pretty good, I picked up a longer bottle brush and a straw brush. Crazy right? I was pretty surprised that they sell straw brushes but it makes sense. I've been using crafting pipe cleaners but it makes me leery that there's gross bacteria inside the straws even when I leave them soaking in boiling hot water. So anyway, I bought that straw brush and was really excited. We also picked up a cherry pitter for Mike as well as a pressure cooker! Wow that thing is wild! It was fun to try out and I'm excited to cook stuff in it that I'll be able to eat. Tonight we made a veggie stock in it which is still sitting and marinating. I'll get to putting it away in a bit.
I am feeling extra unmotivated at the moment. I made that stock and soup for dinner and now I'm just meh... There's some grumbling in my stomach. Not hunger pangs at all just rumblings, I wish it would just quiet down already! I'm also extra rambly tonight. That's not a word, don't judge me! The weather is getting ready to take another ugly turn down here. More rain, more scary swollen rivers. Another great reason to live on a second floor unit. Blah blah blah pressure cooker blah blah blah... I just wanted to tell yall that we got a pressure cooker but that's really about it. We went and had our blood drawn today so we should be getting a call from the Dr. any day now. Zu keep taking your goddamn cholesterol meds is the message I'll have on my voice mail cause I'll surely miss or ignore the call. He'll be singing Mike's praises cause Mike is awesome and I'm a big stinker. Just another reason to say Thanks Mom and Dad!
We did this health screening at work on Friday that's how I know my cholesterol is still high. In exchange for telling them how disgustingly unhealthy we are we get a contribution to our VEBA accounts. Honestly I don't know what the hell my VEBA account is. I think it's like part of my retirement fund that goes directly to pay for my future medical costs. I gotta keep stock piling the $$ in there cause lord knows I'm gonna need it! Anyway so we met with a nurse they weighed any willing participants and they drew a bit of blood checked cholesterol and blood glucose levels and then you go to our insurance website and do this little survey and it basically tells you your health and what your "physical" age is vs your actual age. According to that thing my health is equivalent to that of a 33 yr old. Not sure what that really means... So if at 33 I'm the same then I'll be right on track? It also told me I was at high risk for the beetus and depression. Well fuck me running! Depression? Me? NO WAY!! And the goddamn beetus?! I simply cannot accept this diagnosis internets!!! Haha life is good on meds let me tell you! So that's that, I'm dying faster than the average bear, but we're all gonna get there eventually right? Just gotta make the best out of the hand you've been dealt. Unfortunately for me I will never be one of those skinny bitches who gets to dunk french fries in a frosty. But really why would I want to do that? That's gross.
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