Yesterday was just bizarre. It was one of those days that makes you wonder if you're hallucinating from the lack of food (thanks Susan!) or if people are just going to think you're making stuff up. It's always a nice way to start the day when your vehicle is still where you parked it and no one has broken into it. I got to work where I tried my best to be an active listener during a meeting but that wasn't working out so well for me. There was even an audible "huh?" at an unfortunate moment. Survived the meeting and was greeted by a swampland of work to dig through. At one point in the morning I had a visitor at my window. A lovely gentleman in need of some change. So I sent him to the folks next door and went about my business. That's where things got really funky. He came back and handed me a slip of paper, the one's we ask customers to write their info on if they are there to make a payment without their bills. So he hands this to me and asks me to examine it and verify that all the information is in order. It was blank. I asked him what exactly he needed help with and he started mumbling, I couldn't quite make sure what he wanted. He started talking about getting tickets and pulling out the cards in his billfold which were only his medicaid cards. When he mentioned getting change so he could take his mom to the rodeo in Colorado I knew I was in trouble. He told me about a lovely horse that belongs to his dad and that it was at this rodeo but that none of our staff would let him in. I asked him if there was anyone who we could call to help get him there and with some coaxing I got his "mothers" phone number from him. I dialed hoping and praying that whoever answered the phone had some idea who this man was cause he sure didn't! I got lucky, it was his wife. She said he suffers from dementia and he was supposed to be walking around the neighborhood and this is the first time he has ever wandered away. Well what a lucky day for me to be at work! I got him to sit down and wait, in my infinite wisdom I decided it was best to get someone of authority to help and sit with him until she arrived, there was no way for me to do my work and keep an eye on him. By the time I came back with someone he was already outside. Sheesh, making a run for it already? I wasn't gone 5 minutes man! So we got him back inside and eventually his wife arrived to collect him. Crisis averted!
Lunch time brought me to the DMV where I was lucky enough to fork over $77 for a replacement vehicle title. We explained to the woman what happened and her response was "You kept your title in the car?!". After all was said and done Mike mentioned he doesn't know if he actually put it in the car. Doh! Well I would rather have paid the extra cash for some peace of mind. Although it was explained to us that there is a possibility that someone could attempt a title transfer with the original and if they did it before we requested the replacement we are sort of SOL and it would be a civil case if someone tried to take the vehicle. Seriously, the DMV has no way of legally protecting your property so beware, don't keep your car title in the car!
I was headed back into the office when I noticed some odd happenings, 1. there was a crazy woman in front of me driving like she had suffered from a stroke. 2. there was a bus driver at the train tracks out of his bus and in the middle of the street waiving someone down. 3. there was like 3 fire trucks on the other side of the train, I could only make out the lights between the train cars. Later that afternoon I found out someone was struck and killed by the train. So sad! Mike says they had to have been suicidal because that train doesn't move very quickly at all and it was broad daylight so how did they not see it? I dunno it was just odd and very very sad.
I made it home in time for a lovely migraine to erupt in my skull. Thank you Thursday for your awesome ending. Today has started well. Thanks to my wonderful husband for making juice while I slept off this horrible pain! I woke up at 6 to make juice and to my surprise it was ready for my day, I love that donkey! Also I stepped on the scale to find 4lbs missing off my chunky ass woot! Today will be good! Day 3, 117 to go :-)
WTG my girl. You are doing so well. Weird day though, I have to say.
ReplyDeleteLove, Susan S.