
Dinner is...

Ruined, gross, slimy.

Pick any of those nouns (They are nouns right? My mom used to ask me how the hell I could fail English class if I spoke the damn language. I said same way I fail Spanish) above and that was my dinner. It started out with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions right? So anyway! I had a shitty day, shitty shitty shitty! I just couldn't catch a fucking break all day long seriously. I am exhausted. My tipping point was a customer that I was helping cause he spoke Spanish. He just was not getting it. He wasn't making sense either. He thought we were either over charging him or we lost a payment that he made. Even after showing him a copy of the original receipt for that "missing" payment, showing him copies of his bills and explaining over and over and over and over and ooooooooover again why his balance was what it was he just didn't get it. He asked to speak to someone else because he was convinced we made a mistake. There was no mistake. Who else do you want to talk to? You got me buddy that's pretty much the end of the line cause no one else speaks Spanish and I'M EXPLAINING THIS TO YOU!! I think we were both really frustrated. He ended up storming out leaving his wife holding the bag. I tried to explain it to her one more time and I think she got it. I was trying so hard not to be rude or let him get to me. I was just frustrated beyond belief. I had a long as day leading up to this moment. I got back to my desk and asked G to hold me and rock me for a bit.
I have had a long week and it is only Tuesday. By the time I was close to going home I emailed Mike and told him I REFUSE to go to the gym. It had been a day that would cause me to throw very heavy free weights into someones face or onto someones foot just for kicks. It was such a gorgeous day. I left the office, picked up my prescriptions and went home. I took a nice stroll outside. Maybe 30 to 45 minutes. I think it helped cool my jets just a bit. So after my walk I came home to make dinner.
Dinner was supposed to be a shrimp and pasta. The recipe called for 1 and 3/4 cups of chicken broth, some minced garlic, lemon juice, parsley, and 2 tablespoons of corn starch to thicken it. When all was said and done the concoction was just like slime. It lacked flavor, the texture or rather the slime just grossed me out. It was just a terrible idea all around. I suppose if nothing else it was a great diet food. I ate maybe an appropriate serving of pasta! Ugh.. I'm hungry again and I have already tossed that stuff away. It was just bad.
There's a cold bottle of wine in the fridge and I think I'm gonna get a glass and go to town! I'm drinking my dinner tonight!

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