Hot on the heels of last night's debacle with the chips and sunflower seeds comes today's lunch. I'll admit I've been feeling a lot guilty about last night still. I'm looking forward to the work out tonight but I can't help but feel like I let myself down. And like any good overweight person I fix that feeling by eating it away. Seriously. It makes zero sense but that's what I do anyway. I eat almost all feelings away. I remember being bent over the side of my bed last summer bawling my eyes out because every time I moved my back fell into spasms. Did that keep me from chowing down on that subway sandwich that Mike presented me with? Pssh! I seasoned the sandwich with the salty tears if nothing else but it went down just fine.
So this morning started off with a bowl of fresh strawberries and banana slices. So far so good right? Also I might mention the strawberries were purchased on a random corner from a random Hispanic gentleman. Just a fun fact haha. I thought it was a bit presumptuous of him to immediately speak Spanish to me when we pulled over but come on who's gonna purposefully turn around to stop and buy some fruit off the side of the road if not a Mexican? $12 for a half flat of berries, not bad, not bad at all. So back to our regularly scheduled program! I sliced up some strawberies last night and I managed to get them into tupperware before they got in my mouth. So this morning we had sliced strawberies and bananas. 0 points! Makes me try and dance but we don't dance around here. So lunch rolled around and I was so hungry I was prepping to eat a small child. Weight watchers doesn't have the points value for small child leg by the way. We decided on Cornicopia instead. Not a bad idea, it's close by and it's tasty. But low in points? Who cares! I was decisive. I was having a blt with avocado, fries, and a side salad with ranch.
Wow we had some awful service which really annoyed the hell out of me. We waited about 45 min for our food to come. When Tracy spoke up because we had all of like 5 minutes to get back to work the incredibly rude waiter responded with something along the lines of "your food will be out when its done." No I'm sorry you've been waiting an hour for some toasted bread and french fries not to mention I never got my damn salad! Ugh!! So a few more minutes go by and the food finally arrives. Oh I ate the hell out of that blt mostly cause I was so hungry but partially I was eating out of anger. Bastards! Oh and get this. When the check comes and the waitress is now oh so appologetic, she charged me for the salad!! Uh no thanks! So she brings a corrected check and when she brings my card back she brought the salad. Ok your tip just went from zero to $1. Call me rude, or cheap but really? It took an hour for us to get our food and major attitude from the staff, you're lucky I paid for it at all. Not only that but it was ALL of my points for today. Guess I'll be having fruit for dinner or spending 2 hours before dinner in the gym.
Wow we had some awful service which really annoyed the hell out of me. We waited about 45 min for our food to come. When Tracy spoke up because we had all of like 5 minutes to get back to work the incredibly rude waiter responded with something along the lines of "your food will be out when its done." No I'm sorry you've been waiting an hour for some toasted bread and french fries not to mention I never got my damn salad! Ugh!! So a few more minutes go by and the food finally arrives. Oh I ate the hell out of that blt mostly cause I was so hungry but partially I was eating out of anger. Bastards! Oh and get this. When the check comes and the waitress is now oh so appologetic, she charged me for the salad!! Uh no thanks! So she brings a corrected check and when she brings my card back she brought the salad. Ok your tip just went from zero to $1. Call me rude, or cheap but really? It took an hour for us to get our food and major attitude from the staff, you're lucky I paid for it at all. Not only that but it was ALL of my points for today. Guess I'll be having fruit for dinner or spending 2 hours before dinner in the gym.
Ooookay! So venting aside, wallowing aside... I was looking at some kitchen toys. Oh there are some insanely expensive toys I would love to have then there are things that made me scratch my head. Here are two of the top what the heck products I found.
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These are for my buddy Wilson who has been left without a veggie peeler. |
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The directions read, fill spout with beer or wine and impale chicken. |
Sitting at my desk minding my own business trying to pry a piece of lettuce that was stuck between my two front teeth. Suddenly I was left with 1 and 1/2 front teeth. The horror!!! Ok maybe it wasn't that much but a hunk of tooth broke off!!! Thats what I get for procrastinating. I've had a cavity back there for a while and there was a filling that fell out last year but since the dentist had chosen to focus on other teeth first he used up all my allowance on a root canal first. I had no idea that tooth even needed it! The sole reason I went in last year was for this same tooth when the filling fell out. He said it wasn't a big deal and I could wait until this year to work on that one and here I am just over half way through February with half a tooth missing. I should have called him in January I know I know but good lord...
I immediately got on the phone with their office. Which was closed. Closed at 3pm on a Thursday. Really? Seriously? Ok plan B, whos that dr I kept hearing about on the radio? Obnoxious ass commercials... name of a famous singer... not Michael Bolton (a la office space haha) Dave Matthews, thats the ticket! Ok soonest you can see me is Thursday the 24th? *sigh* Ok... put me down! Grumble grumble... I tried another doctor who's like right up the street. The number doesn't work. Um.. ok! Plan ummm... what letter are we on? E? Z? XX? Whatever. Georgia recomended her dentist who is close to where we live. Ok Monday it is! I still have to go all of Friday with a missing part of my tooth and apparently a lisp. Man I get hotter by the minute! I'm not a happy camper. A hungry one at that who is now affraid of eating for fear of losing the rest of that damn tooth. Le sigh...
Tho thorry, thweetypie! In a year or two you won't even remember thith epithode in your life. Love... Mama Samsonov