I don’t judge books by their covers, but by their back covers. Just like on most nights of my past I picked dinner by pictures on a menu board. I bought a book for my kindle this morning not only based on the title but because of the description of it. I can’t wait to dig into this one. This woman sounds like someone I need in my life. The book is titled “Not Tonight, Honey: Wait ‘Til I’m A Size 6” written by Susan Reinhardt. Publishers weekly wrote a snippet on it that included things along the lines of this: “Reinhardt slips Zoloft into her husband's tea for several weeks to cure him of an incessant need to clean and an overactive libido.” When I read that I about died laughing! Not that Mike needs any more help not cleaning but well you all know… Funny enough I ordered him a tea kettle this morning as his belated V-Day gift. Believe me he’ll enjoy it. It comes with like 20 different teas. And now as I prepare the water for his tea I’ll be slipping some lexapro in the water! Ha!! It’s a great thing he doesn’t bother with reading my blogs. He asked me the other night what I was talking about in the blog titled Creepy Creeper. I told him to read it. He didn’t. Anyway back to this book, (and yes I’m deathly serious about the lexapro) there was also a snippet about her giving an interview while suffering from irritable uterus syndrome and winds up reading a headline on her “grumpy vagina”. Holy crap I think I’m gonna have to stalk this woman!!
Moving on… It’s Valentine’s day!!
It's small type but the donkey says "Can I get lucky tonight? the alpaca responds "NO!!!" |
At the office we celebrate any event big or small with a potluck. It’s no surprise… we’ll just stop beating that dead horse! So what good’s do I see on that spread? Cookies, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, chips and sala, lil smokies (omg I can’t stop eating them!) Georgia made these smore brownies. I’m staring at one right now. It’s a graham cracker crust, brownie in the middle and marshmallow on top. I haven’t broken down and eaten it… yet. Oh there were pickes, there was some sort of noodle salad with penut sauce. And someone (perhaps mocking us or making a real effort) brought in some apples, a grapefruit and I think a banana. The only things I should have been putting in my mouth but let’s get serious. I have been drinking oodles of ice water yay me! And I’m going to the gym tonight. When Mike’s alarm went off this morning I wanted to climb up and over the fluffy bear to beat his phone to a pulp. It was playing the adult chocolate milk song. Not something I want to hear as I am rudely woken. I don’t particularly care for any of his choices in alarms. There was a time when I woke up to the sound of “terrorists” screaming “DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMMMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” Oh my gawd I think my heart stopped a few times. So I guess adult chocolate milk isn’t the worst he’s chosen. Anyway he turned it off and we both promptly went back to sleep. Thank goodness for the wonderful friends who text me first thing in the morning to wish me a happy V-Day otherwise I’m not sure when we would have gotten up. So no gym in the morning, no breakfast as I ran out the door only the delicious goodies that I won’t even bother counting. Tonight will be low on the points scale. Ok well the salmon is kinda hefty like 8 pts but the vinaigrette for my spinach salad is only 3pts. We will be going tonight so that should gain back some of the points I’m splurging on this morning.
I've been eye balling new kitchen gadgets that I probably don't need. I should, however, take inventory of what I do have. Oh you know I just like shinny new things. I have a disgusting obcession with organizational tools. Which if you've seen my kitchen (or the place in general) would make you wonder what the hell? During our last trip to Seattle we had a 45 min wait to go into the dumpling place which is housed in the same building as none other than
THE CONTAINER STORE. I can't express how much I love that place. It makes me wish I was a home owner so that I could buy everything I've ever wanted and screw it into whatever wall I want. I don't think Henry would really care if I was making improvements to his place but I'd be leaving my perfect house behind when we eventually move on. When I walk through the doors of that store, well let me back up and say as I approach the doors of that place I am filled with this mystical excitement. I start feeling like a shook champane bottle milliseconds before the cork bursts out. I looooooove containers of all shapes and sizes. A place for everything and everything in its place!! I don't know where this obscession came from. Henry joked that maybe it was brought on by living with Mike for the last 8 years and that could very well be true. I have a storage unit full of Mike stuff. Crates of vinyl records, dvd's, games, posters, desks, tables, a raft and paddles, bike tires... Oh my head just spinns at the thought of it all. And in the far corner is a stack of big plastic tubs. I stopped bothering with cardboard boxes since we were moving so frequently during our first few years together. I love my plastic tubs. It's demented, I know this all too well. Oh but wandering through the container store... Exuberance. They had lunch containers that came with collapsible chop sticks!! Salad containers that had a seprate container for your dressing! Cereal dispensers! Last night I found a shot glass that doubles as a measuring cup. Maybe it's the other way around! Either way it is a shot glass that has measurements for tablespoon, teaspoon and ounces. I also found a beeker that had different measurements. I have so many ideas for these beautiful foods I want to make. I've been lurking around my friends blogs Amy and Jo in particular. Amy not only makes amazing foods but she takes some fricken phenomenal pictures of it!! Gives a whole new meaning to looking good enough to eat. And Jo she does the same, man I'm envious of their photography skills too! Ha ha! Jo also keeps track of the WW points so I've been starting to dig through her history and look for foods that I think I could replicate. Have I ever mentioned I love food?
What a guy! I got the chocolates too! |
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