
Goldilocks and the whole enchilada

I was a child with some heft so don't let the title fool you. I have never been as small as goldie. I'm sure she never had an enchilada for that matter! But I digress ... If you stay with me I promise I'll get somewhere...
I got to the gym this morning eager to earn back some of last nights dinner. Hopped on a stationary bike and went to town. About 5 min in my thighs were on fire. By minute 16 I had enough. Maybe the elipticle will be kinder. I tell myself a lot if lies in that building. 3 minutes on the elipticle and that was that. Ok lets try this stationary bike. I can't get used to the reclining bikes they emphasize my gut and are just awkward. Well the regular bikes have seats created for little people who don't sit on so much weight. I felt like I was wearing the seat as a thong. Ouch... Still I wasn't quite ready to throw in the towel so I took a leisurely stroll on the tredmill. Ahhhh this is just right...
I got to work and collapsed in my chair damning mikes name. How dare that asshole try and help me get healthier?! For lunch I walked to 5th st market where I enjoyed a shrimp quesadilla for 7 points and a spinach salad with oil and vinegar. Its point values are yet to be determined so stay tuned! It's amazing by the way all the shennanigans I can do from my phone! Blogging included! So as I wrote this I enjoyed my spinach salad. There were no enchiladas in my immediate future. But I ate the hell out of that quesadilla! They gave me rice and beans with it. Yuck. Ok maybe not yuck but I'm mad at rice right now. I'm trying to break it off gently and it just doesn't seem to get the point. I'm sorry rice we just can't stay friends! Already this week we've been down that street twice! It's such a difficult decision. I mean here I am telling cheese it can stay cause I can have it with fruit for minimal points. Rice, however kind and gentle as it may be on my tummy, it generally causes havock on my blood sugars and it's high in points!
When Mike and I first lived together in Washington there were days were all I ate was white rice. Can you blame me? It's tasty, cheap, and with butter and seasoning salt anything tastes better. Living with a bunch of men who wouldn't have known a good meal if it bit them on the ass didn't make it easier. In our colorful cast of characters we had Will who was the resident filipino and me the resident mexican. We always had rice. How could a girl not drown her sorrows and find peace at the bottom of a bowl of rice?!
Life was cheap back then. We were also broke. With age comes (if you're lucky these days) an increase in wages and a more refined palet. Mike and I enjoy good cheese. Mike spends "cheddar" on his cheddar cheese! (haha that made me chuckle) If cheese is where it ended we might be ok. We enjoy good meals, hefty ones. Carbs are a staple in my diet. Adkins can go suck a carrot for all I care. Oh but he wouldn't... carbs... A stick of butter then! Don't get me wrong I love me some fruits and vegetables too and they don't have to be deep fried for me to enjoy them either. Ranch dressing doesn't hurt though. Cheese, beer, red meat, wine, bread, rice. Those are the reasons we've gotten to be the sizes we are. If I made up the entire list you can add video games, Farmville, and insulin to it also.
So here we are... 37 points a day. Spinach salad was 6 for those of you still following! We're going to Seattle tomorrow. I'll be back Sunday, I'm sure you will all be waiting with bated breath to see what kind of diaters nightmare I find my way out of. 24hrs isn't long enough to do too much damage right? 
Also since I didn't finish this post til getting home I'd like to share that I stayed within my points today! Wooot!! Goodnight yall!

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