
Return of the Monkey-lump!

I'm convinced the .4 lb I gained is housed solely in the monkey lump on my wrist. Mike and this stupid advocare 24 day challenge can go suck it. I don't feel any different and I haven't lost any weight. I take part of that statement back. I feel different. I feel cranky that I am not eating often enough and wondering if that is why I'm not loosing weight. I'm not a big snacker... especially on weekends. Mike and I can go upwards of 8 hours between meals which if you ask anyone with a sense of proper dietary needs would tell you we're idiots. I know were not supposed to do that but I just don't think about eating when I'm not strapped to my desk! When I'm at work all I can think about is food. I ate a bunch of trail mix, an apple, a hard boiled egg. I guess when I look at it spelled out it doesn't seem like that much food. Maybe I'll have egg #2. I also started the morning with a wonderful fiber drink. That stuff is simply vile, there is no way around it. I still can't poop. I'm lucky if I actually go once a day. I want to think I'm doing fairly well in terms of overall diet and I wish the scale or my pants agreed. I don't really know. Yesterday I had some trail mix in the morning, went to Mucho Gusto for lunch and had something called a mucho dippo? Who are these idiots? Anyway it was a bowl with rice, chicken, salsa, cabbage, lettuce, a bit of cheese and sour cream. Of course served with tortilla chips. I ate whatever trail mix I had left in the afternoon. For dinner we grilled some chicken breasts marinaded in something (doesn't "something" sound so delicious?). We sliced those puppies up and slapped them on some pita with home made taziki, shredded lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Not bad Zuzu, not bad at all.
I was at the gym last night trying to keep some momentum going. I desperately wanted to be home in bed not on some elliptical with a running stride (I don't know what that means either, it was labeled that way). My wrist kept having short bursts of pain run through it. Like a shock or a slight electrical current? I'm not quite sure. It was bothering me a lot that's for sure. Upon closer inspection I found that my monkey lump had returned. For those of you not familiar with said monkey lump; it is a ganglion cyst that first appeared around the end of last year. Medical treatment options include slamming it with a heavy book (yes, really), aspirating it with a giant needle or in severe cases surgery. Mike and I opted for a smaller needle. He took an insulin needle and poked around a few days later it was gone. I told Mike it was back, I can't remember what he said about it. My sister suggested we take a bible to it. I'm not sure why a bible...


  1. Lol.. My dad gets the same thing on his wrist. Weird! I'm guessing she suggested the bible because it's evil. :)

    And with the whole having trouble pooping, downing gross drinks and whatnot.. I think the Weight Watchers plan is about the best you can do with realistic goals. Friends of mine were telling me I should take some "natural" stuff that someone they knew had lost 30 lbs with.. They said the person basically pooed 30 lbs off. I just don't think pooping is the way I'm going to lose weight, not for longer than the few hours until my next meal anyway. Granted the WW way is slow and requires you to be accountable and hopefully learn from your mistakes, you actually get to EAT .. and real food at that! You just have to track it and realize if you eat a 16 point peanut buster parfait, you should probably stay on track most of the rest of the week, or work harder during your workouts.

  2. I agree, were doing all this shit (or lack there of) in conjunction with ww. Mike said he hasn't been as strict with the counting but im trying. Im gonna be pretty upset if at the end of this bs im out a lot of money and a few lbs wealthier

  3. Maybe you should pair the stuff you're taking with the poo flusher stuff. lol Anyway, you're awesome. Just keep it up and you'll do great! And keep blogging! It helps keep me on track too and thinking more about what I should be doing versus the Dairy Queen that Rob suggested would be a good idea the other night.

  4. Also, I was wrong about the peanut buster parfait.. 19 goddamn points. Jeebus!

  5. haha I was just thinking 17?! I was at DQ a few weeks ago and really really really wanted it. I got up for it at one point and my friend told me to sit my ass down. I was reading some bullshit on either weight watchers or livestrong.com and they were like you just have to take 10 seconds and say to yourself do you want the cookie? Are you hungry? Why are you wanting the cookie? And then you'll have convinced yourself you don't need the cookie. That is a load of goddamn bullshit!!!!

  6. Unfortunately, most of the time when I do the whole,"Do you really want [blank]?" I will say to myself, "YES I GODDAMN WANT IT. AND NOW I WANT IT EVEN MORE, AND SUPERSIZED!"
    Eff me. lol

  7. For me my internal dialog is more like:
    Internal dialog: Zu are you really hungry?
    Zuzu: No, not really...
    IA: So why are you still holding that pie?
    Zuzu: Cause it looks awesome and theres some ice cream in the freezer.
    IA: Yeah you're right; make sure you heat up the pie first.
