
A successful day

I've been on the depakote for 5 days now and so far so good. No rashes, no tremors and no seizures. I have however had one killer headache! Been having one daily, it isn't one of those "I'm going to ruin your entire day everyday" but substantial enough to make it a difficult week. My energy reserves have sprung a leak. I have been so incredibly tired everyday. Last night I made it through dinner before running off to the spare room at Armando's and put myself down for a nap. The problem with naps at 8:30pm is that you wake up around 11 and well now you've already gotten 1/3 to 1/2 of your nights sleep. I woke up in a haze. Tired as hell yet not ready for more sleep. We got home and had some ice crea, watched some Archer and then went off to bed. I've been waking up at 5:35 every morning for the last week. I don't know why. It's brief. As soon as I am awake enough to realize what time it is I go back to sleep but how annoying. The sleep specialist had suggested if I have a hard time going back to sleep, that I simply get out of bed and stop trying. Yeah not gonna happen!
So no deadly side effects yet, we're still on a low dose of this stuff but overall I feel more mellow. I went to the market by myself today. That would have previously been unheard of. It was a sunny day so that means all of Eugene would be out and about and you all know what happens to me around crowds right? I don't like them. I don't like even large groups of my friends. I get too anxious, uncomfortable, claustrophobic, and inevitably irritable, very very irritable. I was at the market for about a half hour before I found Suzanne. But during that time I made my way through all the crowds, found veggies and more veggies and crowds lots of them. But it didn't affect me. I was very calm making my way through the maze of people. I was very proud of myself. It was like I was a functioning person not the lunatic I turn into.
Last night I had a slight exchange with a 6 year old which perhaps I could have handled less rudely but all in all I think we're still friends! haha It went something like this. I was playing angry birds minding my own business waiting as patiently as I could for dinner to be ready. Little E wanted to play angry birds as well. The entire time she was way too far into my comfort bubble. But it would have just been mean to shake the child off. So instead our conversation went like this.
E: What are you playing?
Me: Angry birds.
E: Oh I love that game! I wish I could play!
Me: Yeah, but I'm playing.
E: Well could I try?
Me: Nope
E: Why not?
Me: I don't like to share.
E: But sharing is nice!
Me: Yeah that's what I hear. -- She then wandered off. See kids have a short attention span and I doubt she'll remember that I'm mean auntie Zulema who doesn't like to share. Or maybe she will and I won't be asked to share my toys. Either way neither of us lost anything except a few games of Angry Birds.

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