
Day __ (Do you know?)

I've completely lost track of where we are on this damn challenge. My stomach has finally seized the hurting. I'm not as regular as is normal for me, yet. But I think we're on the right track. Mike says he's lost weight so far. But we both yo-yo. We might be heavier in the mornings than before bed. I guess it just depends on how much he poops. I'm sitting at a steady 230. Fuck this. I'm frustrated but I keep reminding myself it won't happen over night but we're doing things the right way and hopefully will mean sustainable weight loss. Mike is close to his 10lb loss mark. I'm really happy for him, really I am! It is really easy to focus on the negative and boy do I dwell on it. But last night we worked on our chest and I realized I have really made noticeable progress! I was doing incline bench presses? I don't remember what it was, that's not the point anyway. When we first started I was struggling to finish my third set with a 5lb dumbell. I was stoaked when I was using a 7.5lb dumbell! Yesterday I started with that 7.5 and thought I should do the 10lb instead so I did a set with the 10lb but I still felt like I could push myself a little further. Mike was doing 12.5 and I asked him if he wanted to try 15. Oz told him to do 20 and he did. I looked over and cautiously asked if I should try 15 and he said yes. So I did and I didn't crush myself! Look at that 10lb difference from day 1! That is measurable success.
Last night we went to dinner at El Torito only to find that they list the calories on their new menus. Damn that is bad for business! It was sobering to see that. Even the salads were scary but obviously were the least scary thing on the menu. I had a caesar salad with shrimp, Mike had a taco salad with chicken. We also chomped through 3 baskets of tortilla chips, so don't be quick to congratulate me! Anyway back to this calories thing. Why?! That is just cruel. I went there intending to eat a salad anyway but it was frightening nonetheless. If all restaurants head in this direction I'm really gonna be eating at home for the rest of my life. I know I know I know I should be doing that anyway but lets get real! Monday we had rotisserie chicken with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Tuesday, well that was yesterday see above. Tonight I made chicken enchiladas. And don't worry they weren't baked with oodles of cheese on top and inside. I made real enchiladas the way my mommy made them. I dipped them in the sauce and heated them in a saute pan slapped some chicken and a bit of crumbled cojita cheese inside then rolled them. They were topped with lettuce, green onion, cilantro a sprinkle of shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream. Mike's reaction? "Why the hell haven't you made these before?!" Ahhh that felt good! So that's that for today. Sorry for the dull entries folks being so backed up has left me pretty uninspired. It can only go up from here!

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