
Out of sight but not out of mind

Mike made a big mistake trusting me with the bag of chocolates he removed from the box he gave me. I stashed them in the top drawer of my desk. Unfortunately there isn't a timed vault device to keep me out of it. There isn't a single other thing in there that I could need in a typical day but yet it can't seem to keep closed. I'm trying to distract myself with you know, work, but that that's not helping. I play Russian roulette with one of my spreadsheets. There are so many names on it and on any given day I can find at least 3 that need to be removed for various reasons but no one notifies us. So I could go name by name and sort through the first few hundred before I find one or I can play Russian roulette. Close my eyes hit the scroll thingy and click. Doesn't it sound thrilling?! It isn't. Instead I keep opening the drawer shoving my hand in the bag and hoping as I bite into the piece of chocolate that I chose blindly, that the filling won't make me gag.
So I survived Zumba this evening. I was still not on queue with the class but more often than not I was going left when they too were going left. I also had to modify some of the steps to accommodate the increasingly louder cries from my body. My knees ache, as did my head when I first walked into class. It hurt all afternoon actually. Around 3:45 I broke down and made a pot of coffee. It was awful! I can't make coffee. But I drank it cause I was dying. It was a bit too late to catch that headache. So anyway Zumba. It didn't kill me it brought down my blood sugar which was also high before I started. I attribute that to the chinese food I had for lunch.
I had a salad for dinner, with a pecan crusted piece of chicken. I ate only half of the chicken and demolished the salad. Mike ordered some cajun fries which I was overly eager to help him with. Half way through the salad I had this empty feeling in my stomach and was already preparing for an after dinner snack. Maybe some fruit I thought... chomp chomp chomp... Polished off the salad, I don't know why I just didn't want that damn chicken. But now I'm feeling like I might need to toss it all up. I got home and showered and now here I am. Sleepy and nauseated. And sore. Before I sign off I have a question. Kinda a random and possibly TMI kinda question. But all that flopping around left my uh... lady parts hurting lol I wonder if there is such a thing as a sports bra undies contraption. Anyone else ever have this problem? Maybe I'm just a weirdo.


  1. Sorry Zulema, I think you're alone on the floppy vag issue. lol

  2. I never had my lady parts hurt from zumba or anything, but maybe if you just keep doing it, they will get used to it and then stop?
    This is natascha just in case you don't know from my user ID.
    I think this is a question for Oprah. Dear Oprah, can you put a va jay jay bra in your favorite things ?

  3. Well I guess I'm a weirdo! lol In case you're wondering my lady parts are okay!
