
Low fat butter assault

“When I hear the word low-fat I reach for a stick of butter.” What a way to catch someone’s attention! Eric Burkett is a food writer and cook in San Francisco and while googling low-fat yogurt I ran into an article he wrote about his disdain for low-fat anything but in particular the article was going after yogurt. I fully agree with him about low-fat foods. They tend to lack flavor or sometimes it’s just a very processed flavor. Ideally I would be eating smaller portions of the full fat version of my food. Ideally. Ideally I would enjoy the recommended portion size of my non low-fat yogurt and fruit or granola or whatever I toss on it and be happy with that. But I’m not in an ideal position. Let’s be real. If I had a handle on portion sizes or rather eating only the correct portion sizes (cause I know how to use a measuring cup), I would possibly be a smaller and healthier person. I say possibly because who knows if that’s realistic with my genetic makeup. Makeup aside, I simply eat because I can. I eat when I’m hungry, when I’m sad, when I’m bored, when I’m mad, when I’m happy, when I’m sleepy, when I just had dinner and 20 minutes have gone by!
Gone are the days when I would sit around eating bean and cheese burritos from the frozen section of the grocery store. The one’s that you can just microwave and enjoy. Oh no not me. I would microwave them so that they would no longer be frozen before I threw them in a frying pan with some vegetable oil and once they were nice and crisp I would toss them on a plate and cover them in monterrey jack cheese and hot sauce. I shudder to imagine the point value for a concoction such as that. But frankly while my taste buds have moved away from the frozen isle of the grocery store they haven’t gotten much healthier. Oh cheese how I love thee. Olives and cheese… If I lived in the Mediterranean somewhere I would be eating hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers and feta cheese for breakfast. Kalamata olives are pretty high in points. We’re talking 1 point for every 3 olives. I could sit and eat a jar full before realizing what I just ate, not to mention the cheese that would be eaten right along with it. I love calamari, nothing like deep fried well anything! Cheese sticks… *drool* I’ll tell you a secret. About 8 years ago I spent a few months living with my friend and her uncle. He had this magnificent house that over looked the ocean and he let us spend his money like water (or vodka). He was a drinker. A heavy drinker, I’m talking wake up at 6am and plop down in front of the news with a super size cup from Jack-in-the-box full of ice and vodka and a splash of lemon juice or whatever was in the fridge just so he wouldn’t confuse himself into thinking he was drinking water. Where was I going with that? Oh yes, so we had an unlimited supply of vodka and cash. We would have breakfast at our favorite bars and dinner at our other favorite bars. I guess since we were hanging out with a well known drunk no one stopped to card us. We were served booze all over Manhattan and Redondo Beach. At home we had a freezer stocked with crap and pot. Well the pot wasn’t in the fridge but it was at home. His son and I would get super duper baked and make egg rolls in the oven (good for me for not deep frying them!) then we would dip them in nacho cheese. Nacho cheese is one of my biggest weaknesses.
I’m totally gonna die of heart problems at this pace. Georgia just shared a story of her brother in law who died of an exploded heart. Yeah I think I’m ready to change my ways! While dying with a brick of cheese in your mouth is a funny thought I don’t imagine it would be pleasant. Speaking of death by food: if you feel like reading something odd --> click here 

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