
Soda and Sodium...

Is it just a coincidence that soda shares 3/4 of it's letters with Sodium? Bastard ingredient that makes my wedding rings not fit. That's what I'm blaming not the extra fat around my neck. I guess my sister might have been onto something. 
Fat, nuts, candy all good reasons I'm as pleasantly plump as I am these days but sodium sucks big lolly pops. It makes food so tasty, it enriches my life. You know what's frightening is that it is in like EVERYTHING! Thank God I don't suffer from high blood pressure... yet. I was reading the nutrition facts for some stuff at Carl's Jr. I understand the irony in a nutrition guide for a joint like that. Chriminy there is salt in that shit! Again, the reason it's oh so tasty. Does anyone know the recommended daily allowance of sodium? I looked it up. It's less than 2,400 milligrams (mg) that equates to approximatively 1 teaspoon per day. Do you realize that I easily pour about that much on my Yumm bowl (which I eat at least once a week). Soda... why does it need sodium? I even found sodium in insane quantities in walmart's brand of kool aid like substance! 
What's a girl to do? I can really only worry about so many things at once! I'm already counting carbs, counting points, glasses of water, servings of fruits and veggies. Well I'm only going to worry about it when I think about it. This weekend for instance... braised beef soup... yum... Damn it Henry Tang beat me over the head with a hard core salt lick! Mmmm braised beef. Up next, well I had a salad with a vinaigrette for dinner, followed by a chocolate lava something. Oh but Sunday, God's day, Zuzu was dying of cramps day. So what is one to do? Eat more salt of course! Because we all know salt fixes cramps. Geez. Anyway back to the subject at hand, food. Breakfast OMG I had this fresh cinnamon roll with this buttery frosting (I'm drooling just a little bit. You should be too) steak and eggs for breakfast. Of course I was so full from the roll that I had the eggs and a few bites of steak. And some potatoes. I hope you're all keeping track cause I didn't count any points all weekend. If anyone figures out how many points I ate please let me know! Back at Boss Tangs, cream puffs. Mike figured out a cream puff is about 9 points. But we're not sure the size of said puff. Then lunch. We went to Bellevue to some chinese dumpling place. Henry ordered item after item. I was like holy bananas on a stick (slathered in chocolate and peanuts)! It was all so so tasty and so full of sodium. By the bucket load I tell you! When we dropped him off I picked up my wedding rings and I could barely slip them on past my knuckle. I told Henry I could work out all week and not take off half of what I ate. Henry's response made my day. He said he couldn't follow my diet cause he plans to die with chopsticks in his hand. And a video game controller in the other. "You have to have a balance." So tomorrow friends of mine marks 1 week since I began on Weight Watchers. That means it's time to step on the big scary scale. Whether or not I lost weight I won't be discouraged. I would have eaten this that and the other all weekend long but I had a better week than I would have otherwise so bring on the scale, bring on all the scales!! 

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