
Valentines day goodness

It isn't until tomorrow but Mike has no clue when it is. I take that back. He knows because he asked me over dinner if I'd like to cook dinner for tomorrow's HD Monday. HD Monday is a weekly event at our house that started back in the days of Heroes before that went up in flames. Well I guess technically so did HD Mondays. It fizzled out quickly after that. He's been trying desperately to revive it, to no avail of course. But since some folks thought they might make it this week my darling spouse started cooking up ideas. So over dinner he asks if I'd like to cook tomorrow night for HD Monday. I am not particularly a romantic but I responded with "It's valentines day". mostly cause I know he invites at least one friend who is in a relationship. If the rest of the nerds want to spend an evening with us I don't mind. I already had plans for dinner as it turned out. Tomorrow's dinner will consist of baked salmon and a spinach salad with a warm bacon vinegarette. I wish I could be more excited about it but I've been feeling unsettled since brunch.
I was wandering around Walmart and I thought I gave myself motion sickness from walking around and looking at my phone. I was using my handy dandy points calculator app and growing more and more disgusted by the foods I used to eat. I was especially annoyed by the amount of points in the "healthy" pastas. Like the whole wheat, extra amino and junk. Applesauce has 1 pt per tiny container. Thanks, I'd rather go eat an apple for free and save that point for something else! And what's the deal with sun dried tomatoes? As in where the fuck can I find them?! I suppose I should just schlep my ass over to trader joe's but I really don't like going store to store especially if I'm looking for *one* item. I've used 28 points today. I had an early dinner and I'm sure to get hungry again. Hell I'm probably hungry right now but like I mentioned earlier something just isn't sitting right.
I also wondered if the sound of the shrieking kids was making me sick. I can't doubt that for a second seeing as how Walmart has such a high end clientele with their well behaved spawn. If I didn't know better I'd start wondering if I'd somehow managed to... I can't even type the words. But since I  do know better I'm not letting my poor mind go there.
So it's valentines day tomorrow. I might have mentioned that. You might have noticed it. Why is it that I instinctively associate it with eating? Oh right cause I'm a food addict. And people make it so easy for me to continue down that spiral of terrible eating. Guess what were doing at work tomorrow? Having a Valentines day pot luck. Yeah like any of us really need a reason to stuff our faces with shit. And being the celebration of  gluttony (I mean love, err capitalism in the name of love) it is sure to be a diabetics nightmare or dream come true. It's hard to decide when you're 90lbs overweight and have an insulin pump strapped to your gut.
Mike asked me what I'd think if he got me chocolates tomorrow. I told him I'd find it insensitive and cruel. He was taken aback and asked why. Really sweetheart? Cause I'm a fat diabetic who just managed to get her other foot on the weight watchers band wagon. I was being dragged behind the wagon the first day remember? That would be why.

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